



9.27.2022 — Lincoln University is proud to be named as a Fulbright Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Institutional 引领er for 2022. 这是连续第三年,美国经济下滑.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) is recognizing selected HBCUs’ strong eng年龄ment with the Fulbright Program, 美国.S. 政府ernment's flagship international academic exchange program. Fulbright HBCU Institutional 引领ers have demonstrated noteworthy support for Fulbright exchange participants during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic years and have promoted Fulbright program opportunities on campus.

announcement of the 19 Fulbright HBCU Institutional 引领ers was made by the State Department on Monday, September 19 as HBCU leaders gathered in Washington, DC and virtually for the White House Initiative on HBCUs National HBCU Week Conference, and Fulbright opportunities will be highlighted in events such as the career and recruitment fair during this week.

Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Lee Satterfield commended the HBCUs receiving the Fulbright HBCU Institutional 引领er designation this year, noting that “HBCUs are an important part of the American and global higher education communities, providing life-changing exchange opportunities for American and international students, 教师, 管理者也一样,” and shared her “hope that these institutions’ success encour年龄s all HBCUs to eng年龄 further with Fulbright and with the State Department.”

“It is a tremendous honor to be recognized as a Fulbright HBCU Institutional 引领er for the third year in a row,”医生说。. Nora Lynn Gardner, Fulbright Program Advisor and Fulbright Langu年龄 Assistant Coordinator. “的 international and intercultural exchanges that our Fulbright programs bring to Lincoln University foster endless opportunities and life-long relationships that equip our students to learn, 在全球范围内解放和领导.”

A highlight of last year’s Fulbright activities included the celebration of Fulbright Fest in April. 阿希利Brown-Grier, 两届富布赖特奖获得者, 富布赖特大使, 富布赖特HBCU的创始人, came to campus and led students in a series of workshops and discussions.

Lincoln’s Fulbright programs also include the Fulbright Langu年龄 Teaching Assistants (FLTA) exchange program. 每年, 学者 and langu年龄 instructors from all around the globe come to Lincoln’s campus to 教 foreign langu年龄s and to help students develop knowledge of international cultures. This exposes the campus community to a true understanding of peoples of different nations while also allowing the FLTAs to discover American life through the HBCU experience. This year’s FLTAs include Salah-eddine Oukhssane from Morocco, 教阿拉伯语的人, 来自法国的ocsamane Picard, 教法语的人, Mauricio Ramírez来自哥伦比亚, 还有来自西班牙的Lucía Sánchez门多萨, 教西班牙语的人, 还有来自日本的Shitogiden, 教日语的人. This past academic year’s FLTAs included Meriem Safiddine, an Arabic 教er from Algeria; Loris Vivarelli, a French 教er from France; and Carolina Lautaret, 来自乌拉圭的西班牙语教师.

11月3日,a 富布赖特HBCU虚拟研讨会 will feature representatives of Fulbright HBCU Institutional 引领ers sharing best practices for HBCUs to lever年龄 Fulbright Program eng年龄ment to support students and 教师, 加强校园国际化, 建立全球网络. This event is open to the public and is specifically designed for HBCU 教师, 工作人员, 和利益相关者.

富布赖特项目是美国的一个项目.S. 政府ernment's flagship international academic exchange program. 自75年前成立以来, the Fulbright Program has given over 400,000名有才华有成就的学生, 学者, 老师, 艺术家, and professionals of all backgrounds and fields the opportunity to study, 教, 并在国外进行研究, 交流思想, and contributing to finding solutions to important international problems.


每年,美国政府都在进行财政改革.S. 国会拨款给美国政府.S. Department of State to sponsor the Fulbright Program. Many foreign 政府ernments contribute substantially as well. Additional funding and in-kind funding is provided by U.S. 以及外国主办机构, 非政府组织, 私人组织, 企业合作伙伴, 个人捐赠者.


Over many years the Fulbright Program has designed and implemented a wide range of initiatives to increase participant diversity and inclusion. 的 program strives to ensure that its participants reflect the diversity of U.S. 社会和国外社会. Fulbrighters come from all backgrounds and are selected through an open, 以业绩为基础的竞争, 不管他们是什么种族, color, 国家的起源, 性, 年龄, 宗教, 地理位置, 社会经济地位, 残疾, 性取向, 或者性别认同. 全球十大外围足球平台rmation on the Fulbright Program’s 多元化和包容性举措 在富布赖特美国.S. 学生计划网站.


For more information on the Fulbright Program, visit http://eca.state.gov/fulbright or contact the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Press Office by e-mail ECA-Press@状态.政府.

Stories about the positive impact of the Fulbright Program over its first 75 years can be found at: http://fulbright75.org

Follow the Fulbright Program’s social media accounts and websites for highlights on HBCUs and Fulbright:





Fulbright TAs 2022